On COVID-19 and Migrants' Inclusion/Exclusion
De Castro, F.R., Zapata, G.P. and Vera Espinoza, M. (2024) Migrants’ entangled socio-political and biological lives during the COVID-19 emergency in Brazil, Third World Quarterly, pp. 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1080/01436597.2024.2394120
Vera Espinoza, M., Fernández De La Reguera, A., Palla, I. and Bengochea, J. (2023) Reflections on ethics, care and online data collection during the pandemic: Researching the impacts of COVID-19 on migrants in Latin America, Migration Letters, 20(2), pp.325–335. https://doi.org/10.33182/ml.v20i2.2838
Zapata, G.P., Gandini, L., Vera Espinoza, M. and Prieto Rosas, V. (2023) Weakening practices amidst progressive laws: refugee governance in Latin America during covid-19, Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, pp. 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1080/15562948.2022.2163521
Vera Espinoza, M. (2022) Gobernanza excluyente vs. resistencia inclusiva: el manejo de las migraciones durante la pandemia en Chile. In Zapata, G., Vera Espinoza, M., & Gandini, L. (eds) (2022) Movilidades y covid-19 en América Latina: inclusiones y exclusiones en tiempos de “crisis”. Mexico: UNAM. Pp. 87-109.
Zapata, G., Vera Espinoza, M., & Gandini, L. (eds) (2022) Movilidades y covid-19 en América Latina: inclusiones y exclusiones en tiempos de “crisis”. Mexico: UNAM
Vera Espinoza, M., Prieto Rosas, V., Zapata, G.P., Gandini, L., Fernández de la Reguera, A., Herrera, G., López Villamil, S., Zamora Gómez, C., Blouin, C., Montiel, C., Cabezas Gálvez, G., and Palla, I. (2021) Towards a typology of social protection for migrants and refugees in Latin America during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Comparative Migration Studies. 9:52. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40878‐021‐00265‐x
Freier, F. & Vera Espinoza M. (2021) COVID-19 & Immigrants’ Increased Exclusion: The Politics of Immigrant Integration in Chile and Peru. Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 3:606871 doi: 10.3389/fhumd.2021.606871
Vera Espinoza, M., Zapata, G.P. & Castro, F.R. (2021) Tech tools have helped Brazilian civil society support migrants during COVID, but they are no substitute for lasting change. LSE Latin America and Caribbean Centre Blog. May 24 2021
Nair, P., Vera Espinoza, M., Zapata, G.P., Tiwary, S., Castro F.R., Nizami, A., Jorgensen, N., Yadav, A., Oza, E., Khan, F., Ranjan, R., Zocchi, B., Barve, S., and Barraco, M. (2021) Migration, Pandemic and Responses from the Third Sector: Lessons from Brazil and India [Report] QMUL: London. [Versão em português disponível aqui]
Bengochea, J., Cabezas, G., Gandini, L., Herrera, G., Luzes, M., Montiel, C., Prieto, V., Vera Espinoza, M., and Zapata, G.P. (2021). COVID-19 y población migrante y refugiada. Análisis de las respuestas político-institucionales en ciudades receptoras de seis países de América Latina. In Felipe Vera, Verónica Adler & Fernando Toro (Eds.), Inmigrando: Comprender Ciudades en Transición, Vol. 3. Buenos Aires: BID. pp: 749-782
Vera Espinoza, M., Zapata, G.P., and Gandini, L. (2020) Mobility in immobility: Latin American migrants trapped amid COVID-19. Open Democracy, 26 May 2020 [Versión en español disponible aquí] [Versão em português disponível aqui]
Schling, H., Vera Espinoza, M. and Datta, K. (2020) Transformed privileges of im/mobility and COVID-19. Im/mobility in Coronatimes Blog, School of Geography QMUL, 22 April 2020.
On Social Connections and Pathways towards Inclusion
Vera Espinoza, M., Baillot H., Käkelä E., Dakessian, A., and Kerlaff L. (2023) The role of social connections in refugees’ pathways towards socio-economic integration. Forced Migration Review. Issue 71. pp. 15-18
Käkelä E., Baillot H., Kerlaff L., Vera-Espinoza M. (2023) From Acts of Care to Practice-Based Resistance: Refugee-Sector Service Provision and Its Impact(s) on Integration. Social Sciences. 12(1):39. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci12010039
On Refugee Protection, Resettlement and Durable Solutions
Vera Espinoza, M. (2023) The shifting grammar of durable solutions in Latin America. In Karen Jacobsen and Nassim Majidi, Handbook on Forced Migration. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. Pp. 389-405
Zapata, G.P., Gandini, L. Vera Espinoza, M. & Prieto Rosas, V. (2023) Weakening Practices Amidst Progressive Laws: Refugee Governance in Latin America during COVID-19, Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, DOI: 10.1080/15562948.2022.2163521
Jubilut, L.L., Vera Espinoza, M., Mezzanotti, G. (eds) (2021) Latin America and Refugee Protection: regimes, logics and challenges. Berghahn Books.
Feddersen, M., Morales, A., Ramaciotti, J.P., Vera, M. (2023). Ley de Refugio en Chile. Nudos críticos, desafíos urgentes y alternativas hacia el futuro. Centro de Políticas Migratorias. Available at https://www.politicasmigratorias.org/publicaciones
Vera Espinoza, M. (2020) Lessons from Refugees: Research Ethics in the Context of Resettlement in South America. Migration and Society, 3(2020): 247–253. DOI:10.3167/arms.2020.030121
Vera Espinoza, M. (2021) The Mixed Legacy of the Mexico Declaration and Plan of Action: Solidarity and Refugee Protection in Latin America in Jubilut, L.L., Vera Espinoza, M., Mezzanotti, G. (eds) (2021) Latin America and Refugee Protection: regimes, logics and challenges. Berghahn Books.
Jubilut, L., Vera Espinoza, M., Mezzanotti, G. (2019) The Cartagena Declaration at 35 and Refugee Protection in Latin America. E-International Relations, 22 November 2019.
Vera Espinoza, M. (2019) Expectations and the Politics of Resettlement: Colombian and Palestinian refugees in Chile and Brazil, Refugee Hosts, 4 March 2019.
Vera Espinoza, M., (2018) The Limits and Opportunities of Regional Solidarity: Exploring Refugee Resettlement in Brazil and Chile. Global Policy, Volume 9, Issue 1. Pages 85-94. DOI:10.1111/1758-5899.12534
Vera Espinoza, M., (2018) The Politics of Resettlement: Expectations and unfulfilled promises in Chile and Brazil. In Garnier, A, Lyra Jubilut, L. and Bergtora Sandvik, K. (Eds), Refugee Resettlement: Power, Politics and Humanitarian Governance. New York: Berghahn Books. Pages 223-243. ISBN: 978-1-78533-944
Vera Espinoza, M., (2017) Extra-regional refugee resettlement in South America: the Palestinian experience, in Forced Migration Review (56) 47-49. ISSN 1460-9819 (Also available in Spanish, Arabic and French)
Vera Espinoza, M. (2017) Is Latin America ready to accept more resettled refugees?, The Conversation. 11 October 2017.
On Migration Governance
Vera Espinoza, M. (2024). Migration Governance in South America: Change and Continuity in Times of “Crisis”. In: Crawley, H., Teye, J.K. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of South–South Migration and Inequality. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-39814-8_29
Brumat, L., & Vera Espinoza, M. (2023). Actors, Ideas, and International Influence: Understanding Migration Policy Change in South America. International Migration Review, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/01979183221142776
Geddes, A., Vera Espinoza, M., Hadj-Abdou, L. and Brumat L. (eds) (2019) The Dynamics of Regional Migration Governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [Chapter 1 available here]
Turner, J., & Vera Espinoza, M., (2019) The Affective and Intimate Life of the Family Migration Visa: Knowing, Feeling and Encountering the Heteronormative State. Geopolitics. [Online first]. DOI: 10.1080/14650045.2019.1603994
Geddes, A., Vera Espinoza, M., Hadj Abdou, L., & Brumat, L. (2019) Introduction: the dynamics of regional migration governance, in Geddes, A., Vera Espinoza, M., Hadj-Abdou, L. & Brumat, L. (eds), The Dynamics of Regional Migration Governance, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Pages 1-14.
Vera Espinoza, M., (2019) Between depoliticisation and path dependence: The role of Mexico in Regional Migration Governance in North America in Geddes, A., Vera Espinoza, M., Hadj-Abdou, L. & Brumat, L. (eds), The Dynamics of Regional Migration Governance, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Pages 166-185. DOI:10.4337/9781788119948.00015
Geddes, A., Hadj Abdou, L., Vera Espinoza, M., & Brumat, L. (2019) Conclusions, in Geddes, A., Vera Espinoza, M., Hadj-Abdou, L. & Brumat, L. (eds), The Dynamics of Regional Migration Governance, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Pages 224-232. DOI:10.4337/9781788119948.00018
Vera Espinoza, M. (2019) The human behind the refugee category and the industry behind refugees’ representation. Discover Society, 6 November 2019.
Geddes A. and Vera Espinoza, M. (2018) Framing Understandings of International Migration: How Governance Actors Make Sense of Migration in Europe and South America. In Margheritis, A. (Ed), Shaping Migration between Europe and Latin America. New Approaches and Challenges. London: ILAS publications. Pages 27-50. ISBN-13: 978-1-908857-45-3
Vera Espinoza, M., Hadj-Abdou, L., and Brumat, L. (2018) Global Compact for Migration: what is it and why are countries opposing it?, The Conversation. 07 December 2018.
Brumat, L., Acosta, D., and Vera Espinoza, M., (2018) Gobernanza migratoria en América del Sur: ¿hacia una nueva oleada restrictiva? in Lincoln Bizzozero Revelez and Wilson Fernández Luzuriaga (eds) Anuario de Política Internacional y Política Exterior 2017- 2018. Ediciones Cruz del Sur. Pages 205-211. ISSN: 2393-6924
On International Development
Oldekop, J., Fontana, L., Grugel, J., Roughton, N., Adu, E.A., Bird, G., Wallin, S., Dorgan, A., Vera Espinoza, M., Hammett, D., et al. (2016) 100 key research questions for the post-2015 development agenda. Development Policy Review. Volume 34, Issue 1. Pages 55–82. DOI:10.1111/dpr.12147
Oldekop, J., Fontana, L., Grugel, J., Roughton, N., Adu, E.A., Bird, G., Wallin, S., Dorgan, A., Vera Espinoza, M., Hammett, D., et al. (2015) ‘Hundred Key Research Questions in International Development’, UNRISD/SIID working paper, January 2015.
Other blogs and online articles
Zapata, G.P., Castro, F.R. & Vera Espinoza, M. (2021) Closing borders, limiting protection - mobility in times of COVID-19 in Brazil. MigPanBrIn GPI Blog. April 22 2021.
Vera Espinoza, M. (2019) Expectations and the Politics of Resettlement: Colombian and Palestinian refugees in Chile and Brazil, Refugee Hosts, 4 March 2019.
Vera Espinoza, M. and Brumat, L. (2018) Brazil elections 2018: how will a Bolsonaro's victory affect migration policy in Brazil and South America? LSE Latin America and Caribbean Centre. 25 October 2018.
Vera Espinoza, M. and Connelly, S. (2018) Understanding ethics of doing interdisciplinary research with refugee communities (or trying to!). SIID Blog, The Sheffield Institute for International Development. 01 August 2018.
Acosta, D., Vera Espinoza, M. and Brumat, L. (2018) The New Chilean Government and its Shifting Attitudes on Migration Governance. Migration Policy Centre Blog, EUI. 03 May 2018.
Acosta, D., Vera Espinoza, M. and Brumat, L. (2018) Brazil´s Migration Governance: Hidden Actors, the New Law and the 2018 Presidential Elections. Migration Policy Centre Blog, EUI. 20 February 2018.
Vera Espinoza, M., Geddes, A. and Brumat, L. (2017) Migration Governance In South America: Where Is The Region Heading?, MIGPROSP Blog. 04 August 2017
Vera Espinoza, M., Sandelind, C. and Ni Ghráinne, B. (2017) “Safe return review” refugee policy: counter-productive and morally indefensible, LSE British Politics and Policy. 25 May 2017.
Vera Espinoza, M (2016) How can global migration governance find innovative solutions in times of anti-immigrant sentiment? MIGPROSP Blog, 19 December 2016.
Vera Espinoza, M (2016) Rethinking Refugee Integration through the experiences of resettlement in Latin America. Refugee Resettlement Conference Blogs. Sussex Centre for Migration Research.16 September 2016.
Vera, M. (2010) 'Ser Refugiado en América Latina', BBC Mundo. 20 June 2010.
Vera, M. (2006) 'Huir del Caos para integrarse en suelo ajeno', El Mercurio. 9 January 2006.
Working papers
Lagos, C., Matus, A., & Vera, M. (2005) Organizaciones Sociales en Chile Invisibles a los Medios. ICEI Cuadernos. Santiago, Chile: Centro de Estudios de la Comunicación, Instituto de la Comunicación e Imagen.
Rodríguez R. and Vera M. (2005) 4 Cuadras a la Redonda. Diagnóstico y perspectivas de las radios comunitarias de la Región Metropolitana. ICEI Cuadernos. Santiago, Chile: Centro de Estudios de la Comunicación, Instituto de la Comunicación e Imagen.
The book was published by Edward Elgar in January 2019
This co-edited book analyses the dynamics of regional migration governance and accounts for why, how and with what effects states cooperate with each other in diverse forms of regional grouping on aspects of international migration, displacement and mobility. The book develops a framework for analysis of comparative regional migration governance to support a distinct and truly global approach accounting for developments in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Central Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North America and South America and the many and varying forms that regional arrangements can take in these regions.