Podcasts, Videos & Interviews
2020 Guest Speaker Podcast ‘Factor R: Refracción y Revolución’, Episode 5: Migration (in Spanish). 23.12.2020.​
2020 Interview as part of the multimedia report 'Refugio Venezolano en Chile' by Revista Sur (in Spanish). 03.12.2020.
2019 Guest Speaker Radio Show ‘Chile a todo color’, Radio Juan Gómez Millas, Santiago, Chile. 13.05.2019. Interview in Spanish available here.
2018 Interview with Society Matters for World Refugee Day. Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Sheffield. 20.06.2018
2018 What does the royal wedding (not) tell us about the UK family migration regime?, guest in Talking Migration with Dr Joe Turner, podcast produced by Dr Clara Sandelind, 15.05.2018
2017 Guest Speaker Radio Show ‘Chile a todo color’, Radio Universidad de Chile and Radio Juan Gómez Millas, Santiago, Chile. 11.08.2017. Interview in Spanish available here.
2017 ‘Who is welcome in Latin America?’, guest in Talking Migration podcast produced by Dr Clara Sandelind, 02.02.2017
2017 Interview with Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Diego Portales. 09.01.2017. Interview in Spanish available here.
2014 Tales from the Ivory Tower. Festival of the Mind, University of Sheffield.
Video available to watch here.

Keynote lecture "Migración, racismo y pandemia en América Latina: de gobernanzas excluyentes y resistencias inclusivas" as part of the Seminar Series Los Desafíos del Antirracismo Contemporáneo, organised by CER Migracions and GEDIME, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 17.06.2021 (in Spanish) [video available here].
Speaker Roundtable 'Intercambio de conocimiento acerca de la migración venezolana – lecciones de otras migraciones, tiempos y contextos' as part of LASA Annual Conference 2021 Crisis Global. Desigualdades y Centralidad de la Vida. 25-29.05.2021.
Speaker Panel Migrants, Racism and Covid-19. How has the precarity faced by migrants before Covid-19 been exacerbated in the Global North and South? Centre for the Study of Global Media and Democracy. Goldsmiths University of London. 10.05.21
Speaker Webinar Protecting Venezuelans in Colombia: Reflections from Across the Region. MBB Latin American Dialogue, Migration Mobilities Bristol MMB. 31.03.2021 [video available here].
Speaker Webinar Interculturalidad y Crisis Migrante. Ciclo de Webinars en Interculturalidad, Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Sociales y Educación. Universidad de Atacama, Chile. 26.03.2021.
Speaker Webinar 'Metodologías de la Pandemia, Una mesa redonda sobre investigaciones innovadoras durante la pandemia', Latin American Geographies UK (LAG-UK). 01.12.2020 [video available here].
Speaker Webinar 'Migration Management During COVID-19: Best Practices from Latin America, Africa and Asia', Global Research Forum on Diaspora and Transnationalism (GRFDT) 28.07.2020 [video available here, news coverage here].
Speaker Webinar event 'Impactos da pandemia sobre as migrações e as populações refugiadas', Encontro 8, Associação Brasileira de Relações Internacionais, ABRI, Brazil, 22.06.2020 [video available here].
Speaker Webinar event 'Migration & Immigration', Canning House, London, UK. 20.05.2020 [video available here].
Speaker Seminar ‘Solidaridad regional en asilo y refugio’, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Chile. Santiago, Chile. 02.09.2019.
Speaker Seminar ‘Luchas migrantes en tiempos de ‘gobernabilidad’: el rol de las organizaciones y su relación con la academia’, Ciclo de Conversatorios Migraciones, Precariedades y Política(s), Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez. Santiago, Chile. 28.08.2019.
Speaker and co-organiser seminar 'La vida política de los/as sujetos migrantes en Sudamérica', Universidad of Chile. Santiago, Chile, 14.05.2019.
Speaker SPERI workshop 'Political Economy on Trial: Reflections After a Decade of Unforeseen Developments', Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute, Sheffield, 18-19.03.2019.
Guest Research Seminar CENDEP, ‘Refugee resettlement in South America’, Centre for Development and Emergency Practice, Oxford Brookes, Oxford, 25.10.2018.
Guest Research Seminar Universidad Católica del Norte [online], ‘Expectations and Refugee Integration', Programa de Doctorado UCN, Antofagasta, Chile, 16.10.2018.
Visiting Scholar – Research Seminar ‘Understanding the Politics of Resettlement in South America’, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, 13.03.2018.
Visiting Researcher – Guest Workshop 'Regional Migration Governance in Africa: Concepts, trends and policies', German Development Institute (DIE), Bonn, Germany. 11-12.12.2017.
Research Seminar Department of Geography, University of Sheffield. Presenting the paper ‘The Affective and Intimate Life of the Family Migration Visa’, with Dr Joe Turner. 05.12.2017
‘Regional Solidarity and Refugee Resettlement in Brazil and Chile’. Invited talk at the White Rose Funded Workshop ‘Understanding Solidarity Amid Refugee Crises’. University of York. 10.11.2017
Guest Speaker, ‘Crossings: Stories of Migration’ at the Showroom Cinema. Event organised as part of Migration Matters Festival. 23.06.2017
Guest Speaker, ‘Festival of Debate: Does Solidarity with Refugees Matter?’ organised by the White Rose Network ‘Understanding Solidarity amid refugee crises’. 21.06.2017
Seminar ‘Reasentamiento en Chile y Brasil’. Observatorio de Desigualdades, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago Chile. 05.01.2017
‘The limits and opportunities of regional solidarity: Exploring refugee resettlement in South America’. Expert Panel 3: The Role of Regional and Inter-State Cooperation in Providing Protection and Securing Political Stability in Transit and Host States. Global Governance Initiative, The Hague Institute. The Netherlands. 07-09.12.2016
‘Challenges in Fieldwork’. Invited to present at the workshop ‘ Fieldwork in Latin America’ organised by the Postgraduate in Latin American Studies (PILAS). 22.11.2016
Speaker ‘Arrivals: Making Sheffield Home’, Festival of Social Sciences 2016. Members of the University of Sheffield's Migration Research Group joined some of the migrants featured in the exhibition ‘Arrivals’ in conversation. 09.11.2016
‘The unsettlement journey’ Exploring the resettlement of Palestinian and Colombian refugees in Chile and Brazil. Refugee Resettlement Conference. Sussex Centre for Migration Research, Sussex University, Brighton, United Kingdom. 14-16.09.2016
Speaker ‘Britain After Brexit?’ Teach-in-event organised by the Department of Politics, University of Sheffield. 27.04.2016.
Discussant 'Politics in the Pub: To Calais and Back - Experiences of a refugee camp volunteer'. 9.03.2016
‘How UK are you?’ Event co-organised with Dr Chris Roast (Sheffield Hallam University) for the ESRC Festival of Social Sciences 2015. 8-9.11.2015
‘Research in refugee resettlement. Reflections from the field’. Seminar’ to participants of the project “Perspectiva Político-Normativas para a Proteção dos Direitos Humanos dos Imigrantes no Brasil” [Guest Talk]. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil. 12.11.2013.
‘Exílio y Refugio: Experiencias de Reconstrução. Trabalho con refugiados colombianos reassentados no Rio Frande do Sul e no Chile: construção social do medo e experiencias de integração’ Seminar at Projeto SIG Intervençoes. Porto Alegre, Brazil. 3.12.2013
‘Refugee resettlement in Chile: Experiences of Integration’. Research Seminar Bachelor Degree International Studies. UNISINOS University. Porto Alegre, Brazil. 12.11.2013

Vera Espinoza, M. (2021) "The (re)making of a crisis: Migration and policy responses to COVID-19 in Chile", in Panel The ‘crisis’ within the crisis: Migration, Displacement and COVID-19 responses in Latin America (co-organised with Luciana Gandini, UNAM). LASA Annual Conference 2021 Crisis Global. Desigualdades y Centralidad de la Vida. 25-29.05.2021.
Vera Espinoza, M. (2021) "#RegularizacionYa in Chile: local and transnational migrant solidarity in times of COVID". Panel: Digital everyday forms of mobilisation and solidarity led by migrants and refugees in times of COVID-19 Conference Migrant Belongings. Digital Practices and the Everyday. 21-23.04.2021.
Vera Espinoza, M. (2021) "Governing through exclusion: migration management (and resistance) in South America during the pandemic". Roundtable Discussion: Challenges to mobility in the Latin American region and beyond [PUBLIC EVENT]. 2021 SLAS Virtual Conference. 8-9.04.2021.
Vera Espinoza, M. (2020) "La vida politica de los migrantes en Chile: estrategias y desafíos resistiendo prácticas fronterizas" with Ximena Poo (Universidad de Chile), in PanelBordering practices and migration policies in Latin America (co-organised with Luciana Gandini, UNAM). LASA Annual Conference 2020 Améfrica Ladina, vinculando mundos y saberes, tejiendo esperanzas, 13-16.05.2020.
Vera Espinoza, M. (2020) “Architecture and Current Challenges of Refugee Protection in Latin America” with Gabriela Mezzanotti (University of South-Eastern Norway) and Liliana Lyra Jubilut (Universidade Católica de Santos, Brazil). ‘Rethinking the “Regional” in Refugee Law and Policy?’, 4th Annual Conference Refugee Law Initiative, 3-4 June 2019. London, UK.
Vera Espinoza, M. (2019) "Chile and the politicization of migration governance" in Panel 'Governance Issues in present-day Chile', LASA Annual Conference 2019 Nuestra América: Justice and Inclusion, 24-27.05.2019, Boston, US.
Vera Espinoza, M. (2019) “Refugee Integration and ‘durable solutions’ in Latin America” in Panel 28: Displacement and Refugee Protection in Latin America 35 Years after the Cartagena Declaration (Panel Organiser). SLAS Annual Conference 2019, 04-05.04.2019. University of Leicester, UK.
“The production of knowledge on migration in Europe and South America & the relevance of academic research” with Leila Hadj Adbou (European University Institute). 'Transforming Mobility and Immobility: Brexit and Beyond' IMISCOE Spring Conference. 29 March 2019. Sheffield, UK
​Vera Espinoza, M (2018) Understanding 'unsettlement' as part of refugee integration: experiences from Chile and Brazil. Panel Co-organiser (with Prof Jenny Phillimore): ‘Cross-regional dialogues on refugee integration’. IASFM 17: Whither Refugees? Restrictionism, Crises and Precarity Writ Large. 24-27.07.2018. Thessaloniki, Greece.
Vera Espinoza, M. (2018) 'Participatory migration governance in South America: Challenges and opportunities in times of change and non-linear policy development', paper presented at the Workshop ‘Regional and Local Migration Governance: Building Block of Global Initiatives’. University of Geneva. 22-23.06.2018
Vera Espinoza, M. (2018) Making sense of migration governance in South America’s main destination countries: the cases of Argentina, Brazil and Chile. Panel Organiser: Managing mobility: Migration governance in South America. XXXVI Congress: Latin American Studies in a Globalized World. 23- 26.05.2018. Barcelona, Spain.
Vera Espinoza, M (co-authored with Andrew Geddes) (2018) Framing Understandings of International Migration: How Governance Actors Make Sense of Migration in Europe and South America. Book Launch SLAS Annual Conference 2018 22-23.03.2018. University of Southampton, UK.
Vera Espinoza, M (2018) Translocal Belongings: the role of faith and religion negotiating refugee integration in Latin America. Workshop Transnational Lives: Economies, Bureaucracies, and Desires. 11-12 January 2018. PRIO, Oslo. Norway.​
Vera Espinoza, M (2017) Understanding ‘unsettlement’ as part of refugee integration: experiences from Latin America. Symposium Challenging ‘integration': building new sociological theories to understand migrants’ mobilities and settling strategies in the context of Brexit. 30.11.2017 University of Sheffield.
Vera Espinoza, M (2017) Debating ‘Refugee Integration’: Emerging Perspectives from Latin America. 2nd Annual Conference Refugee Law Initiative Conference, Mass Influx? Law, Policy and large-Scale Movements of Refugees and Migrants. 5-7 June 2017. School of Advance Study, University of London.
Vera Espinoza, M and Phillips, N (2017) Making sense of changes on migration in Mexico: governance in North America. MIGPROSP Conference ‘The Dynamics of Regional Migration Governance’, 25-26 May 2017. European University Institute, Florence, Italy.
Vera Espinoza, M (2017) Understanding resettlement through refugee integration: paradoxes between the politics of humanitarianism and the politics of belonging. Panel Organiser: Contemporary Debates on Refugee Resettlement. RSC Conference 2017. Beyond Crisis: Rethinking Refugee Studies, University of Oxford. 16-17.03.2017
Vera Espinoza, M (2016) Researching refugees' experiences of unsettled citizenship in Latin America: A multi-sited mixed-method approach. RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2016, RGS-IBG London, 02.09.2016
Vera Espinoza, M (2016) Politics of resettlement: Expectations and unfulfilled promises in refugee resettlement in Chile and Brazil. XVI IASFM Conference – Rethinking Forced Migration and Displacement: Theory, Policy, and Praxis. Adam Mickiewicz University in PoznaÅ„. 12–15.07.2016
Vera Espinoza, M (2016) A Migrant Researching Refugee Experiences: Power, Privilege and Identities in a Study of Resettlement in Latin America. 2nd Postgraduate Conference on Migration “Looking Beyond the Refugee Crisis” Migration Research at the University of Sheffield. 09.06.2016
Vera Espinoza, M (2015) Forced Migration in Latin America: methodological and ethical challenges researching refugees in urban areas. Migrants in the City Interdisciplinary Conference, The University of Sheffield, 13.10.2015
Vera Espinoza, M. (2015) Unsettled’ citizens: Experiences of Colombian and Palestinians Resettled Refugees in Chile and Brazil. Panel Scales of Citizenship. RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2015, University of Exeter, 2-4.09.2015.
Vera Espinoza, M. (2015) Scales of Fieldwork: Translocal research in two countries and with two refugee communities. RGS-IBG Postgraduate Forum Mid-Term Conference. The University of Sheffield. 25-26.03.2015
Vera Espinoza, M. (2014) Refugee Protection in South America. Seminar Series, Faculty of Social Science Migration Research Group. University of Sheffield. 13.11.2014
Vera Espinoza, M. (2014) Resettlement in South America: Experiences of Colombians and Palestinians resettled refugees in Chile and Brazil. XV IASFM Conference - Forced Migration and Peace. Universidad Javariana. Bogotá, Colombia. 15–18.07.2014
Vera Espinoza, M. (2014) ‘Outsider or Insider? Negotiating positionality doing fieldwork back at home and abroad in refugee research in Latin America’. Annual PILAS Conference – Where is Latin America heading?, University of Sheffield, 12–13.06.2014
Vera Espinoza, M. (2014) When the Solution is also a Challenge: Reviewing the Resettlement Refugee Model in South America through the Cases of Chile and Brazil. Second Postgraduate Workshop on Refugee Law. Refugee Law Initiative, University of London.
Vera Espinoza, M. (2014) Mapping refugee resettlement in Latin America: actors, processes and expectations in Chile and Brazil. SLAS 2014: 50th Anniversary Conference, Birkbeck, University of London. 1-2.04.2014
Vera Espinoza, M. (2013) En búsqueda de protección: Una revisión del modelo regional de reasentamiento de refugiados en Chile y Brasil. XIV Congreso Internacional sobre Integración Regional, Fronteras y Globalización en el Continente Americano. Porto Alegre, Brazil. 20-22.11.2013
Vera Espinoza, M. (2012) Refugee protection in Latin America, the case of resettlement. Encuentros Paris Conference 2012 “The challenge of knowledge-based development”. July 2012. Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC). Paris, France
Vera Espinoza, M. (2012) Resettlement of refugees in Chile and Brazil. Sheffield International Development Network (SIDNet) 3rd Annual Postgraduate Conference “The challenges for development studies”, The University of Sheffield
Vera Espinoza, M. (2010) The relation between the UNHCR and main donors: challenges to global governance. Poster Presentation. Encuentros 2010. Integrating Chilean Research Worldwide. Cambridge University. 4-6.08.2010.